The demons are coming
A shadowed silhouette had appeared beneath the arched tree in the painting, stark against the gray fog and silver grass. She hadn’t painted it there. The featureless figure made her stomach churn in an ugly unease; it seemed as if it was looking out at her. It stared with its featureless face, unwavering, as though it recognized her for what she was: a thief of magic and dreams. This strange figure was proof of her crime, a smudge of paint fueled by magic she wasn’t supposed to have and couldn’t control.
The Door That Remains is an upcoming fantasy novel of dreams that don’t come true how they should, the fragility of control, and more secrets from the world of magic than is safe for anyone.
So, you finished your book. Now what?
Murder, I Wrote is a guidebook designed to help new authors shift their mindset into the marketing sphere. Whether you’ve decided to publish traditionally or you’re taking up the torch by yourself, this guidebook will help you know the best way to get started on social media, networking, planning author signings, and most importantly, how to avoid creator burnout.